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What information will I find in the area dedicated to my profile?

In your Profile you will find all the information provided when registering:

  • Your personal details
  • Your company details
  • Some optional information about your business that you may provide to receive personalized communications
  • Your password (modifiable if necessary)
  • Your credit

From the Profile section you may also access: 

Billing address: here you will need to enter your company billing information. Make sure all the information is correct, especially the VAT number so that it can be checked and validated by us. Should you need to change your VAT number, in addition to changing it in the system, please send your contact request HERE.

Dispatching address: enter the address where you want your order to be delivered here. Ensure that all the required fields have been completed to correctly to avoid delays in the shipping process due to incorrect entries. 

My orders: here you will find your order history. In this section, you can check the status of your orders, download invoices and credit notes and make return requests.

My subscriptions: this section is dedicated to subscribers to the Dropshipping service. Here you can access subscriptions history, view activation status, reactivate an expired subscription and unsubscribe from the dropshipping service.

Automatic payment methods: Dropshipping service customers can configure automatic payment methods here. Recurring subscription payments can be set up through PayPal.  As a merchant, you can set up automatic payments of orders through the PayPal Vault API. 

Your return requests: here you can access the history of your return requests on Brandsdistribution and view the relevant authorizations.

Contact preferences: in this section,  you can choose if and how you prefer to receive communications from Brandsdistribution and which communications to receive.

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