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Where do I find the price information in the xls, csv and xml files?

In the xls and csv files you will find:

  • Price_novat: the price you pay excluding VAT
  • Street_price: the official retail price of the product.
  • Suggested_price: the selling price suggested by Brandsdistribution inclusive of VAT
    (the price refers only to the product, if you want to include in your selling price the shipping costs, please make sure to add a fixed amount or percentage to avoid to go under cost)
  • Discount_percentage: (not always present) where you will find, if available, the discount to be applied to the price in the "price_novat" column

In the xml format you will find:

  • taxable: the original price excluding VAT of the product loaded on Brandsdistribution
  • best Taxable: the price you pay excluding VAT (including discounts applied to the product)
  • suggestedPrice: the selling price suggested by Brandsdistribution inclusive of VAT (the price refers only to the product, if you want to include in your selling price the shipping costs, please make sure to add a fixed amount or percentage to avoid to go under cost)
  • streetPrice: the official retail price of the product
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